
Choosing the Right Nursing Home

It can be an emotionally and physically draining experience when a person makes the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home. Whether the choice is voluntary or necessary, it is crucial to find the nursing home that suits the future patient best. This is the only way to guarantee they will receive the proper care that allows them to live to their fullest potential. With online tools such as Nursing Home Compare, it is easier than ever to find out the benefits of potential homes. What are the most important factors to consider when choosing a nursing home? Below are some questions to ask yourself while researching the best facility for you or your loved one.

1. Does the future patient have a significant disease or disorder?

Many facilities specialize in certain elderly diseases or disorders and have the best tools and medication necessary for potential patients. If you or your loved one has a disease such as Alzheimer’s, an Alzheimer’s care facility would likely be the best fit. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, a facility with hospice care would be beneficial.

2. Is the facility certified and does it have a good amount of positive reviews?

A non-profit organization called The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations inspects, accredits and certifies health care organizations across the United States. If the facility you are looking at is accredited by this organization, you can trust it is a high quality facility with good safety guidelines such as infection prevention and medication management.

3. What are the rules and policies of the facility?

There is a standard set of policies in each facility that should be carefully considered when choosing the appropriate one. Some of the topics to ask and find out about are the following: pets, smoking, television and phone access, roommate choice, visiting hours and personal doctors. How much freedom will you or your loved one have? It is important to know this before arriving and settling in. You or your loved one wants to be as comfortable as possible.

4. Is the staff friendly and readily available?

A good staff at a nursing facility will be caring, nurturing, patient and friendly. It would be a good idea to visit the facility and talk to as many staff members as possible. Observe how they speak to you and the amount of time they provide while you ask questions. It is also important to ask them about their certifications and the experience they have in their position.

5. What are the costs of living in the facility?

The cost of a nursing home is usually one of the top priorities when choosing the right one. It is important to speak with a member of the staff and go over the exact fees of the services you or your loved one will be getting. It’s best to know what to expect and not be surprised in the midst of your transformation.

6. Where is the facility located?

How far away from your loved ones is the facility located? Obviously, the closer the better, but since location is just one of the many factors to consider, it’s important to find a balance. You don’t want to discredit a good fit if it’s a few more minutes away, but you also want to make sure the facility is close enough for your loved ones to visit on a regular basis. Support from loved ones while living in a nursing home is crucial to good spirits and maintaining a happy and healthy life.

7. Will there be activities and key medical measures?

Many residents of nursing care facilities like to participate in group or one on one activities such as game nights or talent shows. It helps to build camaraderie with fellow residents and feeds the soul. It’s also important to know if the facilities have preventative medical procedures such as annual flu shots as this can be crucial to overall health.

These are just some important questions to consider in your search for the best nursing home. Remember to take some time in researching if you can, and above all, make sure the facility has both basic needs and comfort. You and your loved one deserve to be treated with the upmost care and live a fulfilling, happy life. Happy Searching!